ADE Director's Communication Memo Form

Memo Number : IT-99-005

Date Created : 11/02/1998


Co-op Directors

Type of Memo: Administrative
Response Required: Yes
Section:   Information and Technology - Mr. James Boardman
Student Withdrawal from School/Dropouts

Regulatory Authority:
Ark. Code Ann. 6-18-214, rev. 1997

Contact Person:
Sheri Davis

Phone Number:


Enclosed you will find instructions and reporting forms for the Annual Report of the Number of Students Being Removed from the Pupil Attendance Rolls for the time period of October 1, 1997, through September 30, 1998. Please complete and return these original forms by December 1, 1998.

The name of the school and grade span on the forms are provided by the Department of Education. Do not change the information in the upper left corner of the report forms; instead, attach a note listing the changes. The changes will be checked for approval by the Department.

Arkansas Code Annotated § 6-18-214, rev. 1997 now requires districts to maintain the name and date of birth for students who drop out of school. Although the name and date of birth must be maintained at the district, the information should not be submitted on the Annual Report.

Please review the attached form "Is This Student A Dropout." The Arkansas Department of Education uses criteria established by the National Center for Educational Statistics(NCES)and Ark. Code Ann. 6-18-214 to identify dropouts and reasons for a student leaving school.

Race/Ethnic Identification - The Arkansas Department of Education uses the five (5) racial/ethnic categories approved by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget. A student should be assigned to a category on the basis of his or her own identification or status in the eyes of the community.

NOTE: We collect data on grades 7 through 12, please do not record any other grade levels on the dropout form. Also, please do not fill in the blanks with 00's or dashes. Enter data only in the fields where you have a student count.

Please make a copy of each report for your records and return the original to the Department of Education. Should you have any questions, please contact Sheri Davis at 501-682-5750. Thank you for your time and assistance in this matter.


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