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Arkansas Department of Education

Dear Parents:

The Arkansas Department of Education is pleased to provide the 2005 Arkansas School Performance Report. This publication contains detailed statistical information about Arkansas’ public schools. The purpose of this report is to provide you with reliable information about the performance of your child’s school, as well as other schools in your community, state and nation. I encourage you to carefully review the information and contact your school with specific questions or concerns.

It is the intent of the Governor, the Arkansas General Assembly and the Arkansas State Board of Education to showcase performance and accountability in our schools, and we hope that this report will empower parents to become more engaged in the process.

The majority of the data presented in the report is a result of requirements contained in the Arkansas Comprehensive Testing, Assessment and Accountability Program (ACTAAP). ACTAAP has been the most important blueprint for educational reform in our state and is anchored by two initiatives– Smart Start (Grades K-4) and Smart Step (Grades 5-8.)

T. Kenneth James, Ed.D.
Arkansas Department of Education


Academic Accountability Staff
Dr. Charity Smith
Director, Public School Accountability
Willie Morris
Education Lead Planner
Louis Ferren
Data Manager
Oliver Dillingham
Program Manager
Kimberly Millins
Special Projects Coordinator

The goal of the Arkansas School Performance Report is to disseminate this information to students, parents and interested community members so that they can work together with their schools to ensure that Arkansas provides every student with access to an extraordinary education.

If you need more information about the Arkansas School Performance Report, please contact: Dr. Charity Smith
Office of Public School Academic Accountability
or contact your local school administrator.

Search the Report Card

From here, you can view an on-line version of the performance report for the state, or search by district or school.

Achievement Gains on National and State Assessments

Nearly 25% of Arkansas students taking the End-of-Course Algebra Exam in 2005 scored at the advanced level; and nearly 20% of those taking the End-of-Course Geometry Exam scored at the advanced level in 2005, representing a significant improvement over last year’s student performance.
Arkansas public school students in K-9 scored as well or better than the national average of the students in the same grades on the 2005 Norm-Referenced Iowa Test of Basic Skills.
At least 50% of the students in grades 3 through 8 scored proficient or above on the 2005 Arkansas Benchmark literacy exams, with the exception of fifth grade, which had 47% scoring at that level.
Arkansas was one of a handful of states that showed improvement on three of the four National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) math and reading tests since they were last administered to fourth and eighth graders in 2003. Gains occurred in fourth grade reading, fourth grade math and eighth grade math.
The number of students participating in Advanced Placement (AP) Exams in 2005 increased by 108% over 2004, representing the largest increase in access to Advanced Placement curricula any state has achieved in a single year during the 50-year history of the College Board’s AP program.