This memo replaces Director's Memo #ACC-03-011.
All Arkansas public school districts and agencies requiring an Arkansas teaching license are required to mentor any novice teacher employed as the classroom teacher of record for a period of no less than one year. A novice teacher is defined as any teacher with less than one year of classroom teaching experience, regardless of the type of license they hold. Additionally, all non-traditional teachers will be mentored for the entire time they are officially enrolled in the Non-Traditional Teacher Licensure Program. Beginning Administrators are also mentored and supported with professional development funding in their first year(s) as a new Building Level or Curriculum/Program Administrator. (District Level Administrators do not require mentoring.)
Attached are the ADE required Assurances and Signatures form (Page 1) and the Funding Request form (District Mentoring Pair Reporting Form) that school districts must complete for requesting Induction support funding for both novice teachers and beginning Administrators for the 2002-2003 school year. Guidelines for allowable expenditures are included.
The funding application must be completed, signed, and returned to the office of Professional Quality Enhancement, Room 405-B, to the attention of Kristi Pugh, NO LATER THAN September 15, 2002. (FAX: 501-682-5118)