ADE Director's Communication Memo Form

Memo Number : DIR-03-041

Date Created : 04/24/2003


Co-op Directors
Elementary Principals
other: Teacher Center Coordinators

Type of Memo: Informational
Response Required: Optional
Section:   Central Administration - Dr. Woodrow Cummins
Praxis Study P-4 Teacher Nominations

Regulatory Authority:
Act 1108 of 1997, Amended by Act 1382 of 1999

Contact Person:
Barbara Patty

Phone Number:


The Arkansas Department of Education (ADE) plans to conduct validation standard setting studies in the area of Early Childhood (P-4) licensure since Education Testing Service (ETS) has released two new tests in this area. One test would replace the current Early Childhood assessment (0200) with an assessment more closely aligned to national standards in the field. The second assessment is a P-4 Principles of Learning and Teaching to replace the K-6 Principles of Learning and Teaching for this licensure area. The Praxis Series is the new generation of assessments that have replaced NTE tests, and they have been phased in over several years in Arkansas. These studies will be conducted on July 15 and 16 in Hot Springs, with one validation study each day. The exact date of implementation for these tests will be determined after ADE receives the validation study results.

The Office of Professional Quality Enhancement asks that you nominate one or more state licensed early childhood teachers from grades K-4 as well as preschool programs as long as the teacher is fully licensed to teach in this state. Please use the attached nomination form to submit the name of one or more teachers in your district who agree to be nominated for service on this significant panel. ETS verifies participation with a Professional Development Certificate in the event that a district chooses to regard this as professional development.

Teachers nominated:
· Must hold an initial state teacher’s license and be currently teaching in grades P/K-4; and
· Should have at least one year of classroom experience, but no more than seven years.
Teachers with more than 7 years of experience can be nominated only if they have recently supervised a student teacher or been a mentor to a first year teacher.

These parameters are set because Praxis II assessments serve as part of the state’s requirements for initial licensure. Teachers who are working with a “provisional” license and who need to take one or more of the state required licensure tests, are not allowed to participate in the study. ADE also includes higher education faculty, but most of the panel members are teachers. Please understand that all nominees may not be selected as participants since we wish to ensure appropriate representation from throughout the state.

EDUCATORS WHO ARE NOMINATED MUST BE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE ON BOTH JULY 15 AND 16. ETS reimburses all participants for mileage and provides a continental breakfast and lunch daily as well as makes arrangements for the overnight lodging. A panelist who travels over 50 miles has the option to request lodging and reimbursement for dinner. The Department of Education covers the cost of a stipend of $50 per day. The mailing from ETS will include all final details concerning the validation study, including overnight accommodations, schedule, etc.

Attached are a copy of the nomination form and a statement of ETS criteria for panelists. Please feel free to photocopy the form should you wish to mail or fax more than one nomination. All nominations should be submitted by Friday, May 16, 2003 to:

Barbara Patty, Praxis Program Advisor Fax: 501-682-5118
Professional Quality Enhancement
#4 Capitol Mall, Room 405-B
Little Rock, AR 72201

To submit nominees via email, please let ADE know by sending a post to, and the nomination form can be returned as an email attachment. Questions should be directed to Barbara Patty at 501-682-1146 or by email.


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