These are historic times for our schools, from the education of our children and the facilities provided for their education to how the citizens of Arkansas will pay for these mandated improvements. The problems are known and now we must all work toward the solutions.
A very important Planning & Financing High Performance Improvements Workshop entitled “Maximizing Energy Investments in AR Schools” will be held on April 27, 2005 at the Holiday Inn Airport Hotel & Conference Center, 3201 Bankhead Drive, Little Rock, AR. School district personnel are invited and encouraged to attend this no cost, one-day workshop sponsored by the Arkansas Department of Education, the Arkansas Department of Economic Development- Energy Office and the U.S. Department of Energy/Rebuild America.
Attached is a copy of the preliminary agenda. Please note that professionals from within the state and across the nation will provide the best possible information on a variety of energy-related topics. Energy is normally the second highest operating cost and the one with the highest inflation rate. Therefore, containment, reduction and possible elimination of some energy costs will continue to be major budgetary considerations for school districts.